
Finding Work-Life Harmony: Tips for Juggling Motherhood and Career Goals

august 23, 2023

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I am on a mission to help women master their money mindset, discover their unique strengths to make a lot of money while creating a live that they are excited to wake up to. 


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Hey there, fearless mommas! This one's for you - the warriors who never back down from any challenge. I know it's tough to don that cape labeled "Supermom" while chasing career dreams. But, the truth is - we don't have to pick one over the other. The truth, however, lies in the shades of gray. It's not about choosing but integrating.

Welcome to a world where integration reigns supreme, and choosing becomes a distant memory. Presenting a holistic, empowering approach to handling the two most crucial roles our lives have to offer - career, and motherhood.

1. Understand the Value of 'Integration' Over 'Balance'

Often, we find ourselves running the rat race of achieving a 'perfect' work-life balance as if life is a scale where work and family must weigh exactly the same. We tend to tackle our lives as if it's a pie chart where there's an equal slice for every single aspect of our just-as-important roles. But wait a second, who said it's got to be 50-50 or nothing?

Take a deep breath. Life isn’t always perfectly balanced, and that's perfectly okay!

Shifting our perspective from 'balance' to 'integration' can be a game-changer, my fellow supermom. This lone switch can transform your quest from an exhausting chase to a flexible, compassionate, and realistic approach.

Think of work-life integration as this beautiful dance where roles from your professional and personal life harmoniously sway together. It's about letting these parts of your life fluidly ebb and flow as needed. Some days the tunes of work might take center stage and other days, the rhythm of family life might get the spotlight. Accept this. Embrace this. This is the melody of real life.

Integration acknowledges that our time and energy are a shared pool from which we draw based on our priorities and circumstances at any given moment. It's about allowing the boundaries of work and family to blur a bit, leaving room for flexibility.

Real-Life Integration

So how does integration practically work? It's taking that important client call while you're preparing dinner, it's taking a day off in the middle of the week to attend your child's recital, or it's putting in extra hours for a big project while finding small pockets of quality time with your family.

We need to remember that no two days are the same. It's important to let go of any guilt or stress that arises from not hitting that 50-50 mark every day. It's not about dividing your time equally but about capturing moments, making memories, and reaching your dreams - all this while keeping yourself sane and smiling.

2. The Power of 'No'

Ever feel like you're trying to be everywhere at once? From that important meeting to your kid's soccer game, the dance recital to the deadline sprint, I know - we've all been there. The reality of our dual roles is such that we often believe we must accept every task, responsibility, and challenge that comes our way. But ladies, it's time to debunk that myth.

I want you to discover the underestimated superpower, one that's simple but transformative – the power of saying 'No.'

Let me reassure you. Saying 'no' doesn't make you less capable, competent, or committed. Trust me; it took me a while to wrap my head around this too. But once I did, oh boy, it was liberating!

When we overcommit, feeling stretched thin is all too familiar. But here’s the punchline – by guarding our time and energy, we’re able to give our absolute best where it matters most. Every time we respectfully decline an additional obligation, we clear out space - space that can be dedicated to caring for ourselves, seeing through our key responsibilities or creating quality moments with our loved ones.

Think of 'no' as a boundary-setter. When we set boundaries, we ensure our tasks align with our priorities, nurturing a work-life harmony that makes sense for us. And guess what? It also commands respect. People will value your time because you’ve shown that you do.

It takes courage to say 'no.' It calls for inner strength to acknowledge that we can't do it all. And that acceptance, ladies, is the true superpower. It's about turning your 'no' into a 'yes' for your well-being, a 'yes' for your peace of mind, a 'yes' to accomplishing what matters most.

3. Embrace Modern Technology

Let's have a chat about technology.

Now, I'm not suggesting we morph into tech wizards overnight. The aim is to transform technology from overwhelming to empowering. Let's take baby steps to make tech our friend, not our foe.

The Ultimate Taskmaster: Harnessing Apps
Remember those days we used to have planners scribbled with tasks, and post-its filled every visible surface? There's an easier way now. Welcome to the world of task management apps like Trello or Asana. Organize your workloads, set deadlines, track progress – all in one place, accessible at your fingertips. Don’t get me wrong. I still have my beautiful planner with colorful pens and gorgeous stickers so if you enjoy planning on paper, continue to do it. Just explore some to the technology tools that can complement and enhance your planning process.

The Silent Helpers: AI and Virtual Assistants
Feeling like you are buried under minor yet indispensable tasks? Imagine a silent helper, tirelessly working behind the scenes. Virtual assistants or AI-driven tools can handle repetitive tasks, manage your calendar, or even sift through your emails. They’re your tireless backstage crew, making sure the show goes on flawlessly.

The Catch: Digital Detox
But wait, before we plunge headlong into the digital world, we've got to chat about boundaries. Just as we love our cup of coffee, technology is fantastic in moderation. Having a technology-free zone or 'digital detox' times can help us focus on the here and now. As we embrace tech, let’s not forget the joy of undiluted human connection, playtime giggles, or cozy bedtime stories.

Loving tech doesn’t mean living on our gadgets. Enjoy that Instagram story, but don’t let it replace your family story time. Appreciate that productivity app, but don’t let it dictate every moment of your day. It’s all about balance!

My fierce and fabulous mommies, it's time to arm ourselves with technology, to make it our trusted sidekick. By embracing tech, we can craft a life that's productive, efficient, and still leaves space for the cherished 'us' times.

4. Block Time for Unexpected Events

Sprinting from one deadline to another, juggling between a surprise work assignment and a sick baby, leaving you breathless? It's like life is one grand game of whack-a-mole, right?

If you've found yourself nodding fervently, trust me, you’re not alone. Let me share a tiny yet trick I’ve discovered that has transformed my frantic sprints into a more rhythmic dance: the practice of blocking time for the unexpected, or as I like to call it, the 'Buffer Time.'

Think of your time like a vast canvas, and each commitment or task is like a color you paint in. Now, if every inch of that canvas is filled, where would the surprise brush strokes go? They would either overcrowd the canvas or would have to disrupt your already painted work.

That's precisely what happens when we chalk out our weeks without room for the unforeseen. We either stretch ourselves thin trying to fit it all in or we end up disrupting our pre-planned schedule. The solution is surprisingly simple - intentionally leave some parts of your canvas blank.

Buffer Time: Your Secret Superpower
Here's the beauty of buffer time - it's versatile. A surprise client call, a sudden need for a school pick-up, a last-minute presentation - buffer time has got your back! It acts as a cushion so you can tackle these bumps without derailing your entire day or feeling like a hot mess.

Suddenly, you'll find yourself dancing more fluidly with time rather than always trying to beat it. Things seem less frantic, more manageable. It’s a simple transition from dodging bullets to gracefully catching curveballs.

My resilient mom heroes, embracing the buffer time principle. Remember, planning isn't just about cramming every commitment into your schedule; it's about creating a balance that allows space for life to happen - because let's face it, it always does!

Elevate your Focus with 'Work Themes': Fresh Approach, Greater Impact!
Hello, my vibrant mamas! Let's be real, our lives as multitasking superheroes can sometimes feel like we’re spinning several plates at once. As we juggle boardrooms and baby hats, it's not uncommon to feel overwhelmed by the endless to-do list that never seems to get done. So, how do we reclaim our time and still stay on top of things?

Let me share a strategy I've adopted that has been a true game-changer - introducing 'Work Themes.'

5. Introduce Themes into Your Work and Your Life

Consider this: dedicating Mondays for strategic planning or project advancements, Tuesdays for meetings, Wednesdays for collaborations, and so on.

The potency of this approach is that it frames your focus for the day. Rather than being pulled in countless directions, your mind stays streamlined on a specific theme, increasing productivity and reducing chances of burnout.

And why let work have all the fun? This fabulous method can also be weaved into our home lives. Let's dedicate days for family bonding, for personal growth, a day for rest and rejuvenation, even a fun mom-kids day in the kitchen trying out that new cookie recipe.

Now, you might wonder, "What if something urgent comes up?" Room for flexibility is the cherry on our themed-day cake. Themes merely guide our flow, they don't shackle us. If an emergency pops up, we handle it - as we supermoms always do! By implementing this approach, we can make our days more intentional, productive and meaningful.

6. Cultivate a Growth Mindset

Coined by a Stanford psychologist Carol Dweck, a growth mindset referring to the belief that a person's capacities and abilities can be developed and improved over time. It represents a perspective of viewing challenges and setbacks not as failures, but as opportunities for learning and development.

When we cultivate a growth mindset, it's like we've gifted ourselves a resilience muscle. Unexpected work hiccup? With a growth mindset, it’s no longer a catastrophe but an opportunity for learning. Got a parenting hiccup? It’s not a failure; it's a precious chance to bond, understand, and evolve.

A growth mindset unleashes a rare power, my beautiful moms. Suddenly, setbacks are not roadblocks, but detours leading us to yet unexplored paths. Missed a deadline at work while nursing a sick child? Don’t beat yourself up, instead, appreciate your capacity to multi-task, recognize the challenge you’ve overcome, and plan strategies to handle similar situations in the future. Remember, a setback is merely a setup for a fabulous comeback!

As we journey from one day to the next, across office cubicles and kitchen counters, let's shift our perspective from the daunting to the doable, from setbacks to comebacks. By fostering a growth mindset, we're championing the art of bouncing back as we bloom with resilience and grace.

7. Build a 'Mom Tribe'

Imagine having your private cheerleading squad, tactical team, and motivational coach rolled into one. That's what a mom tribe is all about - an uplifting and empowering community where we share our triumphs, challenges, strategies, and sometimes, our kids' art supplies.

A mom tribe is not only a safe space to vent, reenergize, or share a much-needed laugh, but it's also a powerhouse of resources, hacks, and tried-and-tested strategies. This camaraderie between us trailblazing supermoms can evolve into a profound source of shared wisdom and unfailing support. After all, embarking on the mom journey together is a lot more fun than doing it alone.

Our mom tribe also allows us to revel in the shared community feeling. There's something magical about the sense of sisterhood that springs from shared experiences, learnings, wins, and yes, even the occasional blunders. These heartfelt connections can be a wellspring of encouragement and a priceless morale booster as we navigate the bustling journey of motherhood and career-wrangling.

So, my inspiring moms, let's build our mom tribe - a bevy of intrepid supermoms who help each other not just survive, but thrive. Let's turn workdays into story-sharing days and parenting challenges into collective wisdom, mistakes into life lessons.

Go out there, take a step forward, extend your hand, and find your wonderful mom tribe! Trust me, together we're stronger, wiser, and oh-so-ready to conquer the world because, my fierce warriors, we're never alone in this grand adventure.

Harnessing the Harmony: Chart Your Course with Love

So, there you have it, my magnificent supermoms. Nailing that work-life harmony isn't like flipping a light switch. It's more like growing a beautiful garden - a continuous journey of learning, adapting, and evolving.

It’s about delving into comprehensive strategies, exploring new pathways, and embracing the “ups” and “downs”. And let's not forget, as we navigate this beautiful journey, the necessity of practicing kindness towards ourselves. Even when a few weeds creep in or a bloom wilts, we water it with self-love and patience, because this harmony we strive for is not a distant star, but a reachable reality within our grasp.

Remember, my trailblazing warriors, the magic in our journey isn’t defined by the ticking clock or the stacking tasks. Instead, it’s about how we choose to fill those hours, how we pour our love, passion, and unyielding commitment into the heartbeats of every moment. Let’s swap balance for harmony, creating a rich, resounding melody unique to each of us. Because, my fierce mamas, when it comes to weaving dreams into realities, remember - small steps, big leaps and you've got it down, beautifully and brilliantly.

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