
The Real Deal: Smashing Myths About Finding Your Purposeful Career

october 3, 2023

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Hey there, powerhouse✨ So you're on the hunt for a career that doesn't just pay the bills, but fills up your soul cup every day. I got you! But let’s get real about what finding your “true calling” means. There are some straight-up myths out there that might be tripping you up. Ready to bust 'em? Let’s dive in!

1. Myth #1: Purpose is something you find.

Everyone has heard it - find your purpose and magically, your life will fall into place. But here’s the thing – purpose isn't about finding, it's about creating, crafting, and cultivating, one step at a time. Honey, we all love a dramatic “aha!” moment. But here’s the truth: finding your life’s work usually doesn’t come from a single, epic lightning bolt. It’s more like collecting puzzle pieces. Some fit, some don’t, and that's okay! Your path will unfold with time, exploration, and a sprinkle of serendipity.

Alright, let's chat about this whole "epiphany" thing. Everyone loves a good movie moment - wind in your hair, the universe whispers in your ear, and BAM! Everything's clear. It's poetic, it's romantic, but let’s get our feet on the ground for a hot sec. The reality? Discovering your career magic is usually a journey, not a moment.

Think of it as breadcrumb trails in a vast forest. Sometimes you pick up a clue here, another there. Maybe it’s a book that sparks your curiosity or a random workshop that feels like home. Heck, sometimes it’s just a candid convo over coffee that nudges you closer to your jam.

And guess what? This slow-cooked revelation? It's beautiful. It allows your understanding of your purpose to mature, refine, and evolve. You aren't limited by a sudden burst, but you get to ride the waves, explore the nooks and crannies of your soul, and truly dig into what lights you up. The "aha!" isn't always an instant illumination. It's a dawn, gradually brightening your world, letting you soak in every shade and hue of your passion. So buckle up, darling, and enjoy the ride, because every step brings a new hue of clarity. 🌅🚀

2. Myth # 2: Purpose is a single thing.

Life ain't no fairytale and honey, you're way too multifaceted to be pigeonholed into a single Cinderella story. 🥿✨

Who said there’s just one magical glass slipper – or career – waiting for you? Our souls? They're expansive, intricate, and downright dazzling. So why limit ourselves? Your journey isn’t about finding that one perfect fit; it’s about celebrating the mosaic of purposes that make you, well, YOU.

Here's the beat: Just like you wouldn't get down to a single song at the dance party of life (how boring would that be?!), your purpose isn't a monotonous melody. It's a dynamic, electric playlist that keeps evolving. Sometimes it’s a fiery guitar solo representing your career wins. Other days? A soul-soothing rhythm echoing your personal passions. And always, always, there's that heartfelt chorus filled with love, inspired by family and the everyday miracles.

So, superstar, toss aside that old-school notion of a singular calling. Instead, shimmy, shake, and groove to the ever-changing and dynamic beats of your life.

Remember: life's too short and you're too fabulous to be boxed in. Celebrate the symphony of YOU. 🎵

Summing Up: Purpose Redefined
Purpose is dynamic, ever-changing, and multi-sourced. It's not found; it's made, nurtured, and evolved by you, for you. Stop searching; start creating!

Now, Over to You: Take Charge of Your Purpose
Navigating the wild world of purpose-driven careers ain’t always a straight shot. It’s a rollercoaster, my friend! But with a heart full of grit, a mind open to possibility, and these myth-busting truths in your pocket, you're set to design a career that’s as fabulous and multifaceted as you are. Here’s to dancing to your rhythm, with purpose in every step!

Ready to break down the barriers of your perceived purpose and reinvent your career? Check out my 5-day Challenge - Design Your Dream Career Bootcamp.

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3. Myth # 3: Purpose is static. We assume we have ONE Purpose that does not change.

First things first. Honey, you're not some outdated software that never gets an upgrade. So, why on Earth would your purpose be? 🤷‍♀️

We've got folks out here thinking that purpose is this monolithic monument, unchanging and etched in stone. But let's keep it real: Purpose isn't some stuffy statue collecting dust in the corner of your life. Nah, it’s way more magical than that. ✨

Think of purpose as water – fluid, dynamic, and always in motion. 🌊 It molds, adapts, and transforms, gracefully taking the form of whichever container (or sizzling chapter of life) it finds itself in. As you evolve, so does it. Picking up new dance moves, changing rhythms, and grooving to the unique beat of your journey.

And let's be real, just like you wouldn't rock the same hairstyle for decades (unless it’s THAT iconic), your purpose too, gets fabulous makeovers as you glide, stumble, and twirl through life's endless dance floor.

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