
Letting Go of Perfectionism

February 27, 2024

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I'm minh!


I am on a mission to help women master their money mindset, discover their unique strengths to make a lot of money while creating a live that they are excited to wake up to. 


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The Impact of Perfectionism

Our perfectionist tendencies act like unwelcome guests, taking a toll on our mental wellbeing, relationships, and even our outlook on life.

  • It brings about Stress, Anxiety, and Burnout: Crafted by continually battling the dragon of unrealistic standards.
  • It triggers Procrastination and Avoidance: The fear of falling short leads us to evade tasks altogether.
  • It results in Lowered Self-esteem: With every perceived "failure", our self-confidence takes a beating.
  • It ends up Straining Relationships: The perfectionist expectation often spills onto others, causing heartache and friction.
I'm so thrilled to see you here, all ready for Day 8 of our Self-Love Challenge. Today is all about tackling perfectionism, the deceptive little voice that convinces us we need to be perfect to earn love. It's a dangerous belief that can lead us on an endless chase after a goal that just isn't real.

Understanding Perfectionism

Perfectionism – sounds like a good thing, right? Aiming for the stars, never settling. But it can turn into this harsh, unforgiving ruler we measure ourselves against, thinking it's the golden ticket to success, acceptance, and self-worth. The twist? Pure perfection simply doesn't exist, and the harder we try, the more we set ourselves up for disappointment.

The Myth of Perfection Equals Love

I bet many of you've heard this before in some form: "If I can just do everything right, I'll be worthy. If I'm perfect, people will love me." Even as I type this out, I can feel the echoes of my own past ringing in my ears.

There's a whole wide world beyond the false safety net of that statement. Perfection isn't synonymous with love or worth. Perfection doesn’t make us more lovable. In fact, consistently seeking perfection can lead us to a life that's far from perfect.

It's like chasing a mirage. You can see it, shimmering in the distance, beckoning to you - but, the closer you get, it keeps moving further away. However, we can instead turn around and drink from the fountain of self-love that's been waiting patiently for our attention.

Strategies to Overcome Perfectionism

It's time to roll up your sleeves because we're about to redefine perfection and march towards a life that's wildly authentic and unapologetically you. Let me guide you through each thoughtfully curated strategy:

1. Embrace Imperfection: Your Flaws Are Your Signature

Here's to you – freckles, quirks, laughter that's too loud, dreams that are supposedly too unrealistic, and all. Our 'imperfections' make us who we are, and who we are is absolutely beautiful. They give us this irresistible in-depth character, a unique potpourri of quirks that's worth celebrating. As Leonard Cohen said, "There is a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in." So next time you stumble, remember that each slip, each scar is a marker of your journey. Celebrate them! Let them remind you of where you've been and how far you're going. In our so-called 'flaws', we find the seeds of our true selves waiting to bloom.

4. Limit Comparison: Be the Author of Your Story

Have you ever scrolled through your feed and felt your light dim? You see people nailing it in life and think, "They've got it all figured out." Spoiler alert: They don't. Everyone's got their share of battles, insecurities – the whole nine yards. Those snapshots are scenes from stories you don't fully know. Direct your gaze away from the highlight reels of others, and dive into the unedited version of your life story – it's the real blockbuster. Your journey should never be a sidekick to someone else's. Let your own story shine in all its unique glory

2. Practice Self-Compassion: Be Your Own Best Friend

Who's always there to celebrate your wins and hold you through the hard times? Yup, that's you. You deserve the same level of kindness you lavish on your loved ones. When you trip up, wrap your arm around your shoulders, and remind yourself that the beauty is in the trying, the doing, and the courage to keep going. Compassion for oneself is courage made visible, and trust me, it's a beautiful sight.

3. Redefine Success: Experiment with Good Enough

Embrace 'good enough.' I see you, about to hit that ‘edit’ button for the umpteenth time or toss your ideas into the ‘not worth trying’ pile. What if, instead, you took a deep breath and remind yourself that doing something – however imperfect – is infinitely better than doing nothing? Get cozy with being outside your comfort zone. It's pretty much where all the magic happens.

Seats of learning aren't always in classrooms – they're in the choices and challenges we face every day. Shift your idea of success from the spotless to the learned. Was there growth? A lesson learned? A small step towards a better you? That, my dear, is the sweet smell of success. It's not what's on the finish line that counts; it's the courage to keep running the race.

5. Seek Support: Together We Rise

Lean in. Reach out. Speak up. Nobody is meant to journey through life solo. We share triumphs and fears, laughter and tears, and that's okay – that's beautiful. Sometimes, the greatest act of love is to allow oneself to be supported. Whether it’s friends, family, or those soulful conversations with a willing stranger, every shared story is a note in the symphony of shared human experience.

Redefining perfection doesn't mean lowering the bar; it means building a richer, more vibrant life – one where every step forward is a victory dance. Let's chuck that old, dusty rulebook of perfection out the window, and dance to the rhythm of real, messy, wonderful life. Remember, when the climb gets tough, sometimes the most powerful thing you can do is to simply whisper to yourself: ‘I am enough.’

As we wrap up Day 8, let's make a promise to embrace our authentic selves. Perfection isn't a prerequisite for love or success. Our so-called "imperfections" are just precious snippets of our unique stories. Embracing self-love means accepting ourselves, imperfections and all. As we journey ahead, let's foster a culture of self-compassion and acceptance, not just for ourselves, but for others too. Always remember, it's not the destination, it's the journey, and you're doing incredible at it! Keep going!

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I'm Minh, your Career,
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I help women break through their income plateau without burnout so they can live the life of their dream. 

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© Minh pham-costello 2023  |  Photos by social squares & Unsplash





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