
Overcoming Limiting Beliefs and Busting Myths around Morning Routines 

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I am on a mission to help women master their money mindset, discover their unique strengths to make a lot of money while creating a live that they are excited to wake up to. 


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Welcome back, my friends, to Day 5 of our Morning Routine Makeover Challenge. Over the last couple days, we've explored the transformative power of a morning routine, and we’ve peeled back the layers on why it's such an essential part of our daily lives. We've seen the potential; felt the buzz of a day started on our terms. But truth be told, if we've understood this magic of a morning routine all along, what's held us back in the past?

Chances are, you're nodding along. I hear you, because I've been there myself.

Today, we're tackling something that we all struggle with in one way or another - those pesky limiting beliefs and the elusive myths that sometimes have us spinning in circles.

We all have them. Those thoughts that creep up in the back of our minds, whispering things like, "I'm not a morning person," or "I don't have enough time," and even "It's too hard to change my habits."

Trust me, I've heard them all. And let me tell you a little secret: they're not the ultimate truth, far from it. These limiting beliefs are just obstacles dressed up as truths holding us back from achieving our full potential.

Over the years, I've learned that each of these limiting beliefs can be overcome. They're just thoughts, after all, and thoughts can be changed. It's not about pretending these beliefs don't exist. It's about acknowledging them, understanding them, and then choosing to rewrite them.

Let me give you an example. If you find yourself thinking, "I'm not a morning person," and it's standing in your way of creating a morning routine, it's time to rewrite that belief. Remember, our bodies are adaptable. With small, gradual changes to your sleep schedule, you can become a morning person. Even if you can’t wake up as early as you’d like, it is okay. You can still have a morning routine that works for you.

The same applies to the other limiting beliefs. If you're constantly thinking you don't have enough time, remember that a morning routine doesn't have to be lengthy; even a few minutes devoted to yourself can make a world of difference to your day. And Yes, it's OK to miss a day or two. Perfection isn't the goal; progress is.

This journey towards your morning routine isn't just about getting up early; it's about getting up and having a purpose. It's about setting the stage right for a day filled with productivity and joy.

Now, let's tackle those myths about morning routines. You know the ones I'm talking about. They're the ones that say things like "successful morning routines start at 4 am," or "a good routine should include X, Y, Z activities." Well, I'm here to bust these myths right open.

A productive morning routine isn't about the clock; it's about finding a time that suits 'you'. And yes, you've got it, there's no universal set of activities that are perfect for every morning routine. It's about finding what works and resonates with 'you'. You are unique, and your morning routine should be too.

You see, there's flexibility in creating and maintaining your morning rhythm. It's okay to adjust, to skip a day, or to revamp your morning routine altogether. Remember, it's not about instant, dramatic transformations. The beauty of any morning routine lies in those gradual, subtle changes that enhance your wellbeing over time.

And who said morning routines are only about physical activities? How about sitting quietly with a cup of coffee, letting your thoughts blend with the aroma? Or even planning out your day?

Friends, we're all at different points in our lives, capable of tremendous growth and change. Understanding your chronotype, embracing incremental alterations, focusing on quality over quantity, incorporating mindfulness, learning from others - these are some of the many ways your morning routine can evolve. Ultimately, it's all about striking a balance that resonates with 'you', not a generic routine.

Reflect and adjust. Reflect and adjust. Let this be our mantra. Life is an ever-evolving journey, and our routines should be no different. Small steps, but undying belief, that's all it takes!

So here we are, a simple morning routine, brimming with potential, waiting for us to take the first step, to say to the world and to ourselves, "I've got this!" Ditch the limiting beliefs, bust the myths, gear up with a dynamic mindset, and let's greet every sunrise with a zeal that lights up the day.

Remember, you've got the strength, the fire, and the spirit within you. And as always, keep it real, keep it passionate, and keep it uniquely you.

Over and out. Ready to seize the day, my friends? I believe in you. Let's do this!

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I'm Minh, your Career,
Money and Success Coach.

I help women break through their income plateau without burnout so they can live the life of their dream. 

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