
 Assess and Address

February 15, 2024

Top 5 Misconceptions about Money for Working Moms: Let's Rewrite the Story

Top 5 Misconceptions about Pursuing a Dream Career for Working Moms
The Top 5 Mistakes Working Moms Make When Pursuing their Dream Careers

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I'm minh!


I am on a mission to help women master their money mindset, discover their unique strengths to make a lot of money while creating a live that they are excited to wake up to. 


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You bring the dream and we will bring the strategies, systems and support.

This exercise encourages introspection, and shines a light on insights that are often sidestepped, hidden in shadows, or swept under the rug due to our bustling lifestyles or fear of vulnerability.

The process of self-assessment works as a mirror, reflecting back on who you currently are in your journey. As you navigate through the questions, remember there are no "right" or "wrong" answers, only your truth. Embrace them, for therein lies significant insight. This is an essential step in identifying your tools and roadblocks and understanding what helps you flourish and what hinders your growth.

Once we have these answers, we can start addressing them: planting more of what enriches us and learning to weed out what slows our growth. It's all about growing our garden of self-love.

5. Can you easily find things to applaud about yourself?
 - A) Yes, I often cheer for my strengths and virtues
 - B) Sometimes, though it may require some encouragement
 - C) Rarely, I tend to be more aware of my flaws
 - D) No, I struggle to find things I appreciate about myself

6. How do you react when someone showers you with compliments?
 - A) With a heart booming with gratitude, I accept them genuinely
 - B) Modestly, though there's a small part of me that doubts it
 - C) With slight discomfort or skepticism
 - D) With disbelief, often countering or downplaying them

Welcome to Day 2 of our self-love journey. Today's mission? To assess our current standpoints and address the aspects we're going to work on.

Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither is the fortress of self-love. Understanding where we currently stand is a crucial step in our journey, right alongside the classic adage "know thyself.” Embracing this journey means peeling back layers.

“Where do I begin?” I hear you ask. Well, we've got you covered with the interactive and enlightening "Journey to Self-Love: Discover Your Unique Path to Inner Empowerment" quiz.

1. How often do you engage in self-care practices that vitalize and rejuvenate you?
 - A) Almost every day
 - B) A few times a week
 - C) Rarely
 - D) Almost never

2. When you stumble or make a mistake, how do you typically respond to yourself?

 - A) With kindness, understanding and a little bit of humor
 - B) I stay level-headed. I acknowledge the mistake but don't let it define me
 - C) With a bit of criticism, but I eventually jaunt away from it
 - D) I dive deep into self-criticism and tend to dwell in it longer

3. How often do you get caught in the comparison trap, comparing yourself to others?
 - A) Rarely, I have faith in my own journey and its beautiful pace
 - B) At times, but I do my best to refocus on my path
 - C) Often, and it sometimes sways my mood
 - D) Pretty much always, and it leaves my self-esteem shaky

4. Do you set healthy boundaries in your relationships?
 - A) Yes, I'm careful about maintaining healthy boundaries
 - B) Sometimes, though it proves challenging
 - C) Rarely, I find setting boundaries difficult
 - D) No, I often overlook my boundaries when it comes to others

7. Do you prioritize your needs and well-being?
 - A) Absolutely, my well-being often gets the VIP status
 - B) Sometimes, but I tend to hold others' needs above mine
 - C) Rarely, I often leave my needs at the back seat
 - D) No, I invariably prioritize others over myself

8. How do you perceive your own worth?
 - A) As intrinsic and rock-solid, unfazed by external events
 - B) Mostly stable, though success or failure might sway it a bit
 - C) Variable, often tied to my achievements or people's approval
 - D) Mostly dependent on validations and milestones from outside

Mostly D's: Self-Love may feel like a steep mountain to climb right now and you may feel caught in a pattern of self-criticism or neglect. But trust me, you have the strength to move mountains. Consider seeking support from workshops, books, or even therapists, as they can guide you towards building a healthier relationship with yourself.

This quiz is just a launch pad, a beginning of a deep, reflective conversation with yourself. Wherever you are on this spectrum, remember, self-love is a long, beautiful journey, bathed in the warm hues of learning, evolving, and deepening your understanding of yourself.

Celebrate every step you take, every insight you gain and remember — you are wonderfully unique, amazingly resilient, and utterly beautiful, just the way you are!

With so much love,

9. Do you give yourself the permission to chase your passions and interests?
 - A) Yes, I ensure I dedicate time to activities that bring me joy
 - B) Sometimes, but I wish I could steal more time for them
 - C) Rarely, I find it hard to justify spending time on my interests
 - D) No, my passions seldom top my priority list

10. How do you perceive your future?
 - A) With optimism and an exciting spurt of anticipation for growth
 - B) Mostly positive, albeit with a sprinkle of normal apprehensions
 - C) With uncertainty and anxiousness, as I question my capabilities
 - D) With a pessimistic lens, feeling unprepared for the journey

Answers and Insights

Mostly A's: You, dear friend, are on a fabulous journey of self-love, infusing your days with self-care and positive self-talk. Sail on this beautiful wave and continue nurturing your relationship with yourself.

Mostly B's: You have embarked on your self-love expedition and have admirable awareness of its importance. Chalk out your growth areas and work towards enhancing your self-love further.

Mostly C's: It seems like you're grappling with self-love to some extent. But remember, every moment is a new chance. Nurture your self-compassion, set stronger boundaries, and let's turn those perceived flaws into strengths.

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I'm Minh, your Career,
Money and Success Coach.

I help women break through their income plateau without burnout so they can live the life of their dream. 

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Hey there,

Have the first six months of the year not gone as planned? Are you feeling like you're behind on your career goals and not sure how to catch up? Do you want to take control of your career and achieve success on your own terms?

If you answered yes to any of those questions, you're not alone. We totally get it – balancing a busy life with ambitious career goals can be tough. But we're here to help you break through those barriers and achieve success with our Crushing Your Career Goals Challenge!

Introducing our Crushing Your Career Goals Challenge for Ambitious and High-Achieving Women! This 30-day program is designed specifically for women like you who want to take their careers to the next level, get back on track, and achieve success on their own terms.

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Master Your Money Mindset 

Career, Money and Success Coaching for Women who Refuse to Settle in Life. 

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© Minh pham-costello 2023  |  Photos by social squares & Unsplash




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