
Bursting Bubbles

February 15, 2024

Top 5 Misconceptions about Money for Working Moms: Let's Rewrite the Story

Top 5 Misconceptions about Pursuing a Dream Career for Working Moms
The Top 5 Mistakes Working Moms Make When Pursuing their Dream Careers

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I'm minh!


I am on a mission to help women master their money mindset, discover their unique strengths to make a lot of money while creating a live that they are excited to wake up to. 


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Myth 1: Self-Love is Selfish

Let's be real. Calling self-love "selfish" is like saying that taking a deep breath is hoarding air. It’s not! Loving yourself is really about making sure you’re at your best. When you fill your own cup, you’re not taking from others, but ensuring you’ve got plenty to give. It’s like when flight attendants tell you to put your own oxygen mask on first before helping others. Self-love cultivates a healthier you, thereby fostering healthier relationships. It's the farthest thing from selfish—it's practical and, dare I say, essential!

Myth 4: Self-Love is a Destination
Thinking of self-love as a destination is like thinking you can only enjoy a vacation by reaching the end of it. No way! It's about the scenic stops, the roadside diners, and the unexpected detours. Self-love doesn’t have an end sign. It’s a road trip with constantly changing scenery, and you've got unlimited miles to go.

Myth 5: Self-Love Means You Don't Need Improvement
Loving yourself doesn't mean you can't be a masterpiece and a work in progress at the same time. Pursuing personal growth because you love yourself? That’s the ultimate power move. It's about looking at ourselves honestly, accepting our quirks and edges, and choosing to learn and improve anyway because we believe we're worth the effort. It's nourishing growth out of love, not because we feel lesser or inadequate. And that, my friend, is self-power at its finest.

Hello, extraordinary friends, and welcome to Day 3 of our beautiful journey. Today, we're bringing out our myth-busting gear because it's time to shatter those misconceptions that might be clouding our understanding of self-love.

Self-love might seem like a buzzword, a trendy term splashed across social media feeds and wellness platforms alike. But below this layer of trendiness lie several misconceptions that could potentially mislead us and muddy our wonderful path to inner nourishment.

Are you ready to debunk, discover, and deepen your understanding? With every shattered misconception, we'll step closer to the true essence of self-love. Let's dive in!

Myth 2: Self-Love Means You Think You're Perfect

Oh, honey, self-love isn’t about thinking you’re perfect; it's about cuddling your imperfections. It's giving yourself a high-five even when you fumble. Cherishing yourself isn't about believing you're a flawless marble statue in a fancy museum. It's realizing you're a priceless, imperfectly perfect masterpiece—made more beautiful by kintsugi, the golden lines where life's bumps and bruises have made you grow stronger. It's respecting your journey, the triumphs, the trials, and everything in between. Perfection isn't the goal; loving yourself throughout the process is.

Myth 3: Self-Love Can Only Happen When You've Reached Your Goals

It's a trap, my dear friends. If we base our self-love on achieving future goals, we’re setting ourselves on a never-ending treadmill. We’re always growing, always evolving, so there will always be new goals on the horizon. Self-love isn’t a prize at the bottom of a cereal box; it's the spoon that helps you enjoy every bite. Right here, right now, you are absolutely enough regardless of what you've accomplished. It's not waiting for the grand finale to start celebrating. It's relishing every scene of your life’s play, curtain rise to curtain fall.

Myth 6: Self-Love Eliminates Feelings of Inadequacy

Maintaining self-love doesn't mean we never trip over bouts of self-doubt or get tangled up in days of low self-esteem. They do creep in, but practicing self-love allows us to look at these feelings with gentle understanding and empathic curiosity. It's about navigating the choppy waters with resilience, using these moments as stepping stones for deeper self-awareness and self-growth. Self-love isn’t about never feeling low; it's about how you lift yourself up when those feelings hit. It's choosing to treat yourself like a friend rather than a foe and embracing the ebbs and flows.

Embracing self-love is about realizing that you're your own lifelong companion. So, make that relationship the best it can be – full of laughter, compassion, respect, and yes, even a healthy dose of chocolate and chill nights.

With every myth we leave behind, we’re one step closer to our true selves. We're pioneers on the path of self-love, and let me tell you, it's a wild, beautiful journey that's so worth it.

Stay radiant, stay true, and remember, you are absolutely, unconditionally lovable, just as you are.

With so much love,

Myth 7: Self-Love is Only About Emotional Self-Care

Darlings, loving yourself isn’t just about pampering your heart; it's about cherishing your whole being. It’s the meals that nourish you, the sweat sessions that invigorate you, and the boundaries that protect you. It's both the tears and the laughter, the quiet meditation, and the loud sing-alongs.

Busting these myths ain’t just about clearing the air; it’s about setting you free. Free to love every inch of your incredible self, free to marvel at your own reflection, and free to walk through life's ups and downs knowing your self-worth isn't up for debate.

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I'm Minh, your Career,
Money and Success Coach.

I help women break through their income plateau without burnout so they can live the life of their dream. 

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