
Peeling The Layers

February 17, 2024

Top 5 Misconceptions about Money for Working Moms: Let's Rewrite the Story

Top 5 Misconceptions about Pursuing a Dream Career for Working Moms
The Top 5 Mistakes Working Moms Make When Pursuing their Dream Careers

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I'm minh!


I am on a mission to help women master their money mindset, discover their unique strengths to make a lot of money while creating a live that they are excited to wake up to. 


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1. "I'm Not _____ Enough to Practice Self-Love."

Fill in that blank with any word that’s haunted you – "smart," "beautiful," "successful," "thin," you name it. Let's be honest; haven’t we all been there at some point? It's like there's this nagging voice trying to convince us that we're not “enough” to wrap ourselves in self-love. But here’s a little secret – self-love doesn't have a criteria list. It’s unconditional. You don’t need to be “enough” of anything to deserve it. You are enough just by being you. Each one of us is intrinsically worthy of love. Your worthiness doesn't depend on what you do, your successes, or failures. You know that, but so often, you feel like you must be loved by others to feel worthy of self-love. You might be constantly looking for external validation. It's like waiting for applause in an empty theater. The truth? The audience you really need is you. The standing ovation should first come from within. You are the VIP of your life, and your love for yourself doesn't need a guest list. The road to self-love starts with recognizing your own worth and loving yourself, not because of external validations but in spite of them. Being your own cheerleader, now that’s where the magic begins. Self-love means stepping up as the hero of your own story, refusing to wait for someone else's thumbs-up to realize your worth. It's there, shining brightly, despite what anyone else says.

Hey there, beautiful! 🌟 Welcome to Day 4 of our journey together. Today, we're embarking on something deeply personal and incredibly transformative.

One of the biggest barriers to self-love, which we too often conveniently ignore, is the presence of hidden, limiting beliefs. These are like invisible walls we've built over time, blocking our progress and even making us believe love is a restricted area, especially when it comes to loving ourselves.

I can see you nodding, and I want you to know that you're not alone. We've all got our list of these limiting beliefs. They're convoluted conceptions that can sometimes act like tenacious termites, nibbling away at our foundations of self-love. Here's the list of some of the top limiting beliefs we tend to harbor when it comes to self-love:

2. "I Am a Loving Person, and Others' Needs Should Always Come Before My Own."

You’ve got this big, beautiful, giving heart, and I see you putting everyone else first, but let’s talk heart-to-heart here for a sec. There’s this belief that whispers, “I Am a Loving Person and Others’ Needs Should Always Come Before My Own,” and it’s like a badge of honor for you. You wear it with pride, and hey, that’s honestly so admirable. But can we be real for a moment? This belief, though it comes from a good place, can blur an essential truth. Looking after numero uno – that’s you, by the way – isn’t at odds with being a giving person; it’s actually the secret sauce.

Think of it this way: if your generosity were a candle, self-care is the very wax that keeps the flame burning. Ignoring your needs doesn't make you a selfless hero; it just leaves you running on fumes. True kindness? Honey, it starts right in your own backyard. By loving and caring for yourself, you’re not turning down your love for others. Instead, you’re turning it up. Prioritizing your needs isn’t about ignoring others but ensuring that you’re in the best condition to offer help. To love others, to give love, we first need to experience it within us.

3. “I am Ambitious, and If I Accept and Love the Current Version of Me, I Won’t Grow.”

Here’s a tricky one that sneaks up on us – the belief that self-love is a sign that we've stopped striving for more, for better. I know the drill. You wake up with that fire in your belly, ready to take on the world and climb every mountain in sight. Then this sneaky thought tries to get in: “I am Ambitious, and If I Accept and Love the Current Version of Me, I Won’t Grow.”

Listen, self-love isn’t about putting your feet up and saying, "I'm done here!" Oh no. It's about fueling your rocket ship. It’s the jet fuel for your journey to the stars. Every bit of love you shower on current-you waters the seeds of future-you.

Let’s throw out that old "I'll love myself when..." checklist. It's as outdated as flip phones and low-rise jeans. You are worthy of self-love right here, right now, and as you climb that ladder of dreams, it doesn't fade away—it multiplies.

4. “I Don't Have Time for Self-Love.”

Oh, I hear you loud and clear, my friends! “I don’t have time for self-love” – haven’t we all said that while juggling a million things, feeling like life’s spinning faster than a merry-go-round? But let’s chat real quick.

First off, self-love isn’t about carving out vast, unattainable chunks of “me time” from our already overflowing calendars. It’s the magic in the mundane, the extraordinary in the ordinary. It’s embracing the bliss of silence for a minute or two in the whirlwind of your day. It’s giving yourself a mental high-five for the small victories that you too often overlook.

The truth is, treating self-love as a rare, luxurious indulgence is like saying only certain people deserve to feel sunshine on their skin. Self-love is as essential as the air we breathe, and it fits snugly into the nooks and crannies of our jam-packed days.

Let’s do away with the idea that we need the perfect moment to start. If you’re waiting for the stars to align, you might wait forever. Self-love kicks off the moment you decide it does, whether you’re brushing your teeth, making your bed, or stepping into a meeting. It’s the recognition in those tiny moments that, “Hey, I’m doing something good for me.”

Imagine self-love as your personal cheerleader, with pom-poms made of your strengths and quirks, cheering you on every step of the way. By loving and accepting yourself today, you’re not slamming the brakes on progress; you’re hitting the gas pedal with more confidence and gusto than ever before.

Think of the greatest love stories out there - none of them are about two perfect people who waited until they were flawless to fall for each other. They're about love in the midst of the mess, the growth, the adventure. That's what this journey of self-love and ambition is about—finding beauty in the becoming, not just the being.

Your ambitions want you to love yourself as fiercely as you chase your goals. Be courageous to say, "I'm flawed, I'm learning, and I'm unstoppable." Let your love for yourself be the soundtrack of your success story! Out there is a future you, looking back, saying, "Hey, love, we did it—and we did it big!" 
Let’s make a deal. Let’s stop waiting for ‘someday’ and start now amidst the emails, errands, and endless tasks. See the beauty in brief pauses, in choosing joy and health, and know that every small gesture of love towards yourself is a giant leap for your heart and soul. When it comes to self-love, every moment is the right moment. You’ve got this. Let’s sprinkle our days with a little more self-love. You're worthy of it every single day. Let’s make self-love our daily ritual, not our ‘someday’ dream.

And just like that, we find ourselves wrapping up Day 4 of our self-love journey. Let's keep reminding ourselves that these beliefs are not facts. Embarking on this journey to dismantle our limiting beliefs, let’s remember: it's okay to stumble, it's okay to have doubts, but it’s more than okay to keep pushing through. Because on the other side of those beliefs, there’s a world of self-love waiting for us, arms wide open, ready to embrace us just as we are. Self-love is our inherent birthright.

As we close today’s chapter, I want you to promise me something: Promise to catch those moments of magic sprinkled throughout your day, to recognize the potential for self-love in the mundane, and to celebrate the victories, big or small, with the same enthusiasm.

You are worthy. You are capable. You are deserving of so much love!

Here’s to painting our skies with the colors of self-love. Together, we’re not just dreaming; we're doing. We're living, loving, and thriving in the beautiful now.

Until tomorrow, keep shining, keep loving, and most importantly, keep being you.

With love and light,

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I'm Minh, your Career,
Money and Success Coach.

I help women break through their income plateau without burnout so they can live the life of their dream. 

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