
Face The Emotions

February 17, 2024

Top 5 Misconceptions about Money for Working Moms: Let's Rewrite the Story

Top 5 Misconceptions about Pursuing a Dream Career for Working Moms
The Top 5 Mistakes Working Moms Make When Pursuing their Dream Careers

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I'm minh!


I am on a mission to help women master their money mindset, discover their unique strengths to make a lot of money while creating a live that they are excited to wake up to. 


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Fear is perhaps the most pervasive emotion that stands in the way of self-acceptance. Fear is sneaky. It crawls into the driver's seat when we're trying to steer toward the horizon of self-acceptance and self-love. It can feel like that friend who means well but ends up giving you advice that’s more like a raincloud than a ray of sunshine.

Fear Masks Our True Selves

When fear takes the driver’s seat, it has a sneaky way of masking our authentic selves. It whispers little lies like, "You're not good enough," "You'll never make it," or "Who do you think you are?" And because fear can be so persuasive, we often start believing these tales. We start wearing masks to hide our true selves, thinking it's safer to blend in than to stand out and potentially get hurt.

Welcome to Day 5 of our self-love journey!

I see you standing there, at the edge of the cliff called self-acceptance, the wind of emotions howling around you—fear, guilt, shame—forming an unholy trinity that’s trying to keep you from taking your leap of faith into the valley of self-love. They shout from behind, whispering tales of caution, judgment, and reminders of every stumble you’ve ever made.

Today, we're going to delve deeper. We will step into a realm that might feel a bit uncomfortable. It's called vulnerability. But this, my friends, is where we gather our strength. Facing these emotions, learning to sit with your feelings, acknowledge them, and then choose your response - that’s real strength, real courage. That's the pathway to self-love.

Fear and Self-Love: The Battle Within
Self-love is all about embracing who you are, flaws and all. It's about acknowledging your strengths and accepting your imperfections. But, when fear looms large, it dims the light of self-compassion and understanding. It makes us critical of our every move, and every choice, convincing us that we're not worthy of love, especially from ourselves.

Fear Paralyzes Action
Ever been so scared of making the wrong choice that you end up making no choice at all? Yep, that’s fear, putting us in a state of paralysis. It keeps us from taking those small, yet significant steps towards loving ourselves. Whether it's fear of rejection, fear of failure, or even fear of success, it hampers our ability to act, to choose ourselves, to embark on the journey of self-love.

But let’s get something straight. Fear isn't the enemy. I know it seems like it’s always getting in the way, but fear is actually just a sign – like those big, neon ones you see on a highway. It's not a stop sign; it's more like a "hey, pay attention because you're about to grow" sign.

Think about it. Whenever you’re about to do something monumental, fear pops its head out. Maybe it’s going for that job you've always wanted, saying "I love you" for the first time, or stepping into the gym after a season of putting everyone else but you first. Fear’s presence means you're on the brink of something that could turn your world from black and white to blazing color.

Let's rewrite the narrative. Instead of seeing fear as a blocker, let’s see it as a signpost that says "Yup, this matters." Because if it didn’t spark a bit of fear, it wouldn’t be pushing you out of that cozy comfort zone – and that’s where the magic happens.

Now, I'm not saying to ignore the butterflies in your stomach or the thumping in your chest. Feel it. Acknowledge that it’s there. But here’s the kicker – move forward anyway. You see, self-acceptance begins when you look fear in the eyes and say: "I’m not perfect, and that's perfectly okay."

Every time you choose to love yourself, despite the fear, you’re painting a stroke of courage on the canvas of your life. It's like saying, "This is me, with all my quirks, my flaws, and my fabulousness, and I’m not just okay with it – I’m in love with it."

You want to know something absolutely soul-shaking? The opposite of fear isn't courage – it’s love. Self-love. It’s that deep-rooted, unshakeable belief that you are worthy, just because you exist. And when you start to accept every little piece of you, fear takes a backseat, and love grabs that steering wheel.

Just like fear, guilt doesn't have to be the villain in our story. In fact, it can play a pretty transformative role if we reframe our perspective. Let’s get real for a second — I’ve had moments (plenty, actually) where I felt like I was the mayor of Guilt City. Whether it was slipping up with my goals, needing a break when I promised 110% and especially when I am not fully present with my son, Lucas, guilt used to tell me I wasn’t measuring up.

And then, it hit me. What if we look at guilt not as a dead-end sign but as a detour symbol, guiding us towards self-reflection and growth?

Imagine guilt as that friend who has the tough job of telling you there’s something stuck in your teeth. It’s a bit awkward, sure, but ultimately, it comes from a place that wants the best for you. The key is learning to understand the message without letting it dim your shine.

So, how do we do this? How do we transform guilt into a stepping stone rather than a stumbling block?

Guilt is another emotion that can impede our path to self-acceptance and love. Oof, just saying the word kind of feels heavy, right? But stick with me, because understanding guilt can actually be a game-changer on our journey to self-acceptance and self-love.

You know, guilt can pop up whenever we feel like we’ve fallen short or when we think we've let ourselves or others down. Guilt whispers things like, "If only you had done better." Guilt can also throw us into the deep end, making us relive past choices like a movie stuck on replay. We've all been our own toughest critic, trapped in the echo chamber of "should've, could've, darn-it-why-didn't-I?" But here's the real talk: dwelling in that space doesn't serve anyone, least of all our radiant selves. And if we let it, guilt will set up camp in our hearts, blocking the light that drives us to grow, to love, to dream.

Acknowledge it: Sit with your guilt for a moment. Recognize it. Say, "Hey, I see you there. What’s up?" Understanding why you feel guilty can reveal so much about your values and how you relate to yourself and the world.

Learn from it: Use guilt as a cue for reflection. What can this feeling teach you? Maybe it highlights areas of your life where your actions aren’t quite lining up with your values, or perhaps it's showing you where you’re being too hard on yourself.

Forgive yourself: This one’s big. You, my dear, are not your past decisions. You are not the slip-ups that you’ve made. And those mistakes? They don’t get to define your capacity for joy or your right to self-compassion. This chase for self-redemption, the idea that we must 'make up' for the past before we can delight in the present? It's like trying to fill a cup with a hole in the bottom, endlessly exhausting and utterly impossible. Show yourself some compassion. You are human, beautifully imperfect. Learning and growing every single day. You wouldn’t hold grudges against a flower for not blooming overnight, right? So, why do it to yourself?

Move forward with intention: Turn that guilt into fuel for positive change. Make amends if you need to, set new goals, adjust your boundaries. Let guilt motivate you, not paralyze you. It’s there to help us navigate, not to dictate our worth. When we approach guilt with curiosity, we unlock powerful insights into who we are and who we want to become. It invites us to a higher level of self-awareness and paves the way for genuine self-acceptance and self-love.


Shame can often be one of the toughest hurdles we face in our journey towards self-love and acceptance. Shame, closely related to guilt, is a deeply ingrained feeling of inadequacy and unworthiness. Unlike guilt, which is tied to specific actions, shame affects our entire sense of self. It convinces us that there is something fundamentally wrong with us, that we are somehow less than others. Shame can be paralyzing, leading to self-loathing and a profound disconnection from our own worth. It silences our inner voice and replaces it with a harsh critic that constantly highlights our flaws and shortcomings. Shame whispers that ancient tale that we're not just messing up; we are the mess-up.

Here's what I want you to know, to really soak in: those moments you feel the least lovable, the most inadequate? They're also when you're most human. And being human, my dear, is a messy, gorgeous, and daring adventure.

Instead of letting shame put up a "Do Not Enter" sign on our hearts, let’s welcome it inside for a chat. Let’s ask it, “What are you protecting me from?” Often it guards old wounds, the ones that taught us it wasn't safe to be our full, luminous selves.

Listen, I've done the shame dance, played the comparison game, and all it got me was sore feet and a bruised heart. It wasn't until I decided to treat my shame like an old friend – misunderstood, a little dramatic, but coming from a place of protection – that I could really start showing it the door.

Your mission? To gently but firmly reclaim your narrative. Replace the critic with a guide. Tell that voice, "Hey, thanks for trying to protect me, but I got this."

Here’s how we dial down the volume on shame and crank up the love:

Acknowledge It: The first big step is acknowledgement. Recognize when you feel shame and ask yourself why. Is it linked to an old belief that no longer serves you?

Recognize your triggers: When does shame sneak up on you? In the mirror? On social media? Map it out. When you know the battleground, you can better plan your peace talks.

Talk back with kindness: Build an arsenal of affirmations. Stuff like, "I’m enough," "I'm learning," and "I am worthy of love," are your trusty shields.

Embrace It: Shame is an emotion, just like joy or anger. Embrace it as part of your human experience. When we stop resisting or hiding our feelings, we give them less power over us.

Speak It: Shame thrives in the dark. Speak it out loud to someone you trust, write it in your journal, let it into the light. You're not alone. Sometimes, just hearing someone else say "me too" can melt away a mountain of shame.

Love It: Yes, you read it right. Love your shame. It's a part of you. And as you love yourself, wholly, you shine light on each and every part of yourself, including your shame.

Transform It: Use the energy of shame to fuel compassion for others. Recognize that everyone has something they're battling with, and by understanding your own shame, you can foster a more compassionate world.

These emotions, fear, guilt, and shame, act as formidable obstacles to self-acceptance and self-love by distorting our self-perception and undermining our confidence. They keep us focused on our perceived failures and inadequacies, preventing us from seeing and appreciating our strengths, achievements, and the beauty of our unique journey.

To overcome these emotional barriers, it is essential to practice self-compassion and forgiveness. This involves acknowledging our emotions without judgment, understanding that our mistakes and flaws are part of being human, and recognizing that we are worthy of love and happiness regardless of our past actions or current insecurities. It also requires challenging our negative self-beliefs and replacing them with affirmations of our worth and capabilities.

Cultivating self-acceptance and love is a gradual process that demands patience, kindness, and persistence. It begins with the willingness to confront and work through our emotions, understanding that they do not define our worth. By embracing our vulnerabilities and extending compassion to ourselves, we can dismantle the barriers of fear, guilt, and shame, and embark on a fulfilling journey towards self-acceptance and love.

As we end today, remember, that fear is just a precursor to courage, guilt is just love misunderstood, and shame is just a cry for acceptance. Once you realize this, those dark clouds of emotions become less threatening. They become your stepping stones towards a richer, fuller, self-loving you.

So, forge ahead, my friends. Look within, face your emotions, and let the sunshine of acceptance warm you in its gentle embrace. You've got this.

Here's to braving our storms and basking in self-love.

With love and courage,

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I'm Minh, your Career,
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