
Meet and Befriend Your Inner Critic

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I am on a mission to help women master their money mindset, discover their unique strengths to make a lot of money while creating a live that they are excited to wake up to. 


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And then, there was the moment, not too long after giving birth to my beautiful son, when I looked in the mirror and hardly recognized the person staring back. My body had changed; there was more of me, but somehow, I felt like I had lost parts of myself to this new identity of 'mom.' The thought of slipping into a swimsuit? Terrifying. It wasn't just about the extra pounds; it was the vulnerability of being seen, truly seen, in a light that didn't match how I saw myself. My inner critic was there too, always ready to remind me of every imperfection, every reason to shy away from life’s simple joys—like taking my son swimming, something I knew we’d both cherish.

In both these moments, and countless others, my inner critic wasn’t just a voice of caution—it became a barrier. It cloaked itself in the guise of protection, saving me from potential judgment and failure. But in its efforts to shield me, it kept me from living freely, from embracing the full spectrum of experiences, from the joy of making mistakes and learning, and from the pure happiness of being unapologetically me.

Welcome to Day 6 of our transformative journey towards self-love and self-acceptance.

You know, amidst the hustle of daily life, we're often accompanied by a constant companion that isn't always the kindest—our inner critic. It's that little voice inside that seems to have a knack for pointing out our flaws, reminding us of our mistakes, and often, comparing us to others in ways that leave us feeling pretty low.

I've been there, right in the thick of those feelings. When I first landed in the US, my excitement was tinged with this heavy cloak of self-doubt. English wasn’t my first language, and every time I opened my mouth to speak, my inner critic had a field day. “They’ll think you’re not smart,” “you will make a fool out of yourself,” it whispered, with every stumbled word and mispronunciation. And even when my brain was bursting with ideas, I clamped them down tight, letting that inner critic dictate my worth based on my language skills.

**But here’s what I’ve learned—**and I promise you, it’s a lesson that’s been both hard-fought and deeply cherished: Our inner critic, no matter how convincing, doesn’t get to write our story. We do. I learned to embrace my journey with English, to see each conversation as a step towards fluency, each mistake as a testament to my courage. My voice, accent and all, carries value and strength, and my ideas? They deserve to be heard.

As for the journey of motherhood and the changes it brought—physical, emotional, and everything in between—I learned to see my body as a vessel of life, a testament to my capacity for love, perseverance, and strength. Wearing that swimsuit and jumping into the pool with my son wasn’t just about swimming; it was about embracing joy, creating memories, and showing my son the beauty of confidence and self-love.

So, are you ready to meet and befriend your inner critic? Let’s grab your favorite cozy blanket, light that soothing candle, and let's snuggle into this important topic.

Who Is This Inner Critic?

Our inner critic isn't a villain from your favorite drama series; it's more of a misguided friend. Born from our fears, past experiences, and societal pressures, this voice holds a magnifying glass over our doubts and insecurities. Think of it as an overprotective parent who, in trying to keep us safe, sometimes ends up stopping us from flying.

This voice in your head, sounding more critical than any external opinion, can sabotage not just your journey to success but your feelings of self-worth. The key here is to remember that the inner critic is really good at exaggerating. It's like that friend who always expects the worst-case scenario. They mean well, but they definitely need a perspective check!

How to Recognize It

Recognizing your inner critic is the first step in changing the conversation. It pushes labels onto you, tags like "not good enough," "failure," or "loser." And it loves to bring these up especially when you're feeling stressed, facing criticism, or not meeting your own expectations.

3. Repetitive Negative Messages: Change the Channel
Ever notice how our inner critic loves reruns? It plays our perceived failures and embarrassments on loop, as if we could forget. But guess what? Just like a TV, you have the remote. You can change the channel. When you catch those negative messages starting their umpteenth rerun, challenge them. Ask yourself, “Is this thought helpful? Is it kind?” If not, it might be time to switch to a different, more empowering narrative—maybe one where you remind yourself of your strengths, victories, and the obstacles you’ve overcome.

4. The Faux Protector: Unmasking Fear
This one is tricky, isn’t it? Our inner critic often masquerades as a protective figure, whispering warnings to keep us within our comfort zone. “Better not try,” it says, “You might fail, or worse, embarrass yourself.” But here's the twist—this faux protector isn’t shielding us from harm; it’s holding us back from growth, joy, and achievement. Recognizing this critic for what it is—a voice of fear, not wisdom—can empower us to take brave steps towards our dreams, even if it means risking failure. Because in every risk, there’s also the potential for incredible reward.

1. The Harshness: That Hurts You
Think about it: would you ever talk to a friend the way your inner critic speaks to you? I’m guessing (hoping) that’s a resounding no. Our inner critic sure knows how to lay it on thick, painting our mistakes in neon lights. It’s as if we're under a microscope, every flaw magnified. Next time you catch that harsh voice starting its tirade, I want you to hit the pause button. Literally, take a deep breath and pause. This is your moment to step in and gently remind yourself, “Hey, would I say this to someone I love?” This moment of pause is your cue to offer yourself compassion instead of criticism.

2. Unfair Comparisons: The Thief of Joy
Ah, the comparison game. It’s like quicksand for our self-esteem, isn’t it? With the world of social media just a scroll away, it’s easy to fall into the trap of measuring our behind-the-scenes against everyone else’s highlight reel. But here’s the thing—your journey, your path, is yours alone. It’s as unique as your fingerprint. When you feel the urge to measure your life against someone else’s, remember that you’re only seeing a fraction of their story. Embrace your journey, with its ups and downs, as uniquely beautiful. Your path is no less extraordinary because it's different.

Ways to Tame Your Inner Critic

Now that we know how to recognize our inner critic, let’s discuss how we can tame it. We know it won’t happen overnight. It's a journey—filled with understanding, patience, and a whole lot of self-compassion.

1. Acknowledge and Challenge

First up, let’s talk about Acknowledging and Challenging. Imagine you’re sitting down with a friend, and they start going off about how they’re not good enough or how they messed up, again. You wouldn’t just sit there and nod, right? You’d jump in, superhero cape flapping, ready to challenge those negative naysays with the truth! That’s exactly how we need to treat ourselves. When you hear that inner critic start its chatter, listen, nod, and then stand up and challenge those thoughts. Extend that beautiful kindness to yourself.

2. Practice Self-Compassion

Next, we’re diving into the world of Self-Compassion. Let’s be real for a sec: perfection is this high, shiny bar that’s just impossible to reach. And why would we want to? Our quirks, our ‘oops’ moments, our unique laugh—that’s the good stuff. That’s the gold. Treat yourself like you would a dear, beloved friend. Remember, embracing your imperfections isn’t a flaw; it’s a superpower.

3. Reframe Negative Thoughts

Now, let’s talk about Reframing Negative Thoughts. This is where we take those not-so-great thoughts and turn them into a narrative we’d actually enjoy reading. Instead of reruns of “I can’t believe I did that,” let’s switch the channel to “Look how much I’ve learned.” Focus on your strengths, celebrate the tiniest wins, and remember, growth is a magnificent journey, not a race.

4. Visualize Success

Moving on to Visualize Success. Oh, this is a fun one. Close your eyes and picture you, in all your glory, achieving that goal. Feel the joy, the pride, the excitement. Get used to these feelings and let your inner critic get used to them too. This isn’t just daydreaming; it’s setting the stage, laying down the tracks for your mind to follow. Let these positive vibes be your north star.

5. Seek External Perspectives

Sometimes, we get so caught up in our bubble that we forget there’s a whole world out there full of people who see us differently (and much more kindly) than we see ourselves. This is where Seeking External Perspectives comes in. Chat with a friend, a mentor, someone you trust. More often than not, you’ll find that you’re doing much better than you think. Sometimes, a little outside perspective is just the sprinkle of magic we need.

6. Document Your Successes

Boost your confidence and silence your inner critic by documenting and celebrating what you’ve already accomplished. Big wins, small victories - count them all whether making someone smile or finishing that daunting task. What this does is amazing; it becomes tangible proof against the inner critic’s lies. On those tough days, this list of successes will remind you of your worth and give you the strength to push forward.

7. Mindfulness and Meditation
Last but certainly not least, let’s talk Mindfulness and Meditation. Imagine being able to observe your thoughts like clouds passing in the sky—there, but not touching you. That’s what mindfulness teaches us. And meditation? It’s like a serene boat ride through those clouds. Together, these practices build a space of calm, outside the whirlwind of critical thoughts, a space where self-compassion can bloom.

How to Transform Your Inner Critic Into Your Greatest Cheerleader!

You know, there's a plot twist in this journey of understanding and taming our inner critic. With a little bit of understanding and a whole lot of love, we can actually turn this persistent voice inside our head from our biggest critic into one of our greatest allies.

Imagine your inner critic as a passionate yet slightly misguided coach. It’s shouting instructions from the sideline, desperately wanting you to succeed, but often those instructions come out as harsh criticisms, urging you to play it safe, and avoid possible failures. Now, what if we could teach this coach to speak a different language—one of encouragement, resilience, and powerful positivity? That’s where understanding and love work their magic.

Our inner critic, at its core, is just an overzealous form of self-love. It wants to protect us, to keep us away from risks and potential heartbreaks. But what it doesn't realize is, these uncertainties, these risks, they're often the very things that lead to the most incredible, soul-stirring growth.

So, let’s start a dialogue with our inner critic. Let’s thank it for its intention to protect and guide us, and then gently teach it how to truly support us. Think about how comforting it could be to hear a voice inside our heads that says, “Hey, I know it's scary, but you’ve got this,” or, "It's okay that you messed up, because you're learning and growing," instead of the usual chorus of doubts.

Once we reframe our inner critic into our inner cheerleader, it becomes an invaluable ally on this wild, wonderful journey we're on. With our inner voice cheering us on, we become even braver, bolder in pursuit of our dreams. It becomes a source of motivation, a constant reminder of our worth, our potential, and the incredible things we can achieve.

Continuing Your Journey

My dear friend, as we wrap up today's session, remember this: your inner critic, with the right guidance, can transform into your inner guide. It's not about silencing it entirely but about changing the dialogue. When it speaks up, use it as a moment to practice understanding, compassion, and resilience.

The journey to self-love is about embracing every part of you, even the parts that are hard to love. It's about recognizing your strength, your courage, and your incredible capacity for love. You are capable. You are deserving of your own compassion and kindness.

Stay tuned for tomorrow’s adventure, where we'll dive deeper into the wellsprings of self-love. Keep believing in yourself, for the world shines brighter with your light. You've got this!

With so much love,

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