
What is confidence and why is it so important to have?

march 12, 2024

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I'm minh!


I am on a mission to help women master their money mindset, discover their unique strengths to make a lot of money while creating a live that they are excited to wake up to. 


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What Is Confidence, Really?

Let's kick things off by diving into what confidence truly means. Often, we tie confidence to achievements, social approval, or even our physical appearance. But here's the heart-to-heart truth: confidence is your belief in your ability to do or face anything that comes your way. It's that inner glow that doesn't dim, regardless of external circumstances.

Imagine confidence as your life's soundtrack, playing in the background, sometimes softly and at times on full blast. It's your companion during solo dance parties in your living room and your anchor in crowded, unknown waters. Confidence whispers, "You've got this," even when your knees knock and your voice shakes.

Welcome to Day 1 of our journey together - the Unshakeable Confidence Challenge. I'm beyond excited to have you here, not just as participants but as co-creators of a space where magic unfolds, where we dare to peel back layers to uncover the radiant confidence that lies within each of us. Together, we're embarking on a quest, not for perfection, but for a deeper, more genuine connection with ourselves and the world around us.

And here's the secret sauce - confidence is not a final destination. It's a journey. A beautiful, messy, exhilarating journey of becoming. It's about showing up for yourself, even on days when you feel invisible. It's dancing in the rain of uncertainties with a trust so deep, knowing that you are capable, worthy, and enough. Always have been, always will be.

The Misconceptions Surrounding Confidence

Now, let's get real about the myths that have been swirling around confidence. We've all heard them, and maybe, at times, believed them too.

Confidence Means Never Being Scared. Oh, if I had a penny for every time this myth was sold to us! True confidence isn't the absence of fear. It's the presence of courage—the guts to face fear head-on and say, "I see you, but I'm moving forward anyway."

Confidence Is Innate - You Either Have It, Or You Don't. Nope, nope, and nope. Confidence is a muscle, my friend. The more you work it, the stronger it gets. It's built through actions, reflections, and sometimes, through the very act of faking it till you make it.

Confidence Comes From External Validation. While compliments feel nice (who doesn't love them?), true confidence blooms from within. It's that unshakeable belief in your worth, irrespective of likes, shares, or the applause of the crowd.

  • Foster Resilience. Confidence arms you with the resilience to weather storms, learn from failures, and bounce back with grace.
  • Build Meaningful Connections. It allows you to show up authentically, foster genuine relationships, and deeply connect with others. Into the Heart of the Challenge

The Importance of Cultivating Confidence

Why, you might ask, is confidence so crucial? Well, think of it as the sun in your personal solar system. Everything - your dreams, decisions, relationships, and achievements - orbits around it.

Having confidence empowers you to:

  • Dream Big and Bold. Confidence is the runway for your dreams to take flight. It encourages you to aim higher, reach further, and dream bigger than you ever thought possible.
  • Make Authentic Choices. With confidence, you choose paths aligned with your true self, not dictated by fear or the expectations of others.

Throughout this challenge, we'll embark on daily adventures designed to strengthen your confidence. From storytelling (yours truly) to actionable steps, reflections, and community sharing - every piece of this puzzle is crafted to bring you closer to the most vibrant, unshakeable version of yourself.

Today's Action: Mirror Talk

Find a quiet moment today, stand in front of a mirror, and look into your eyes - the windows to your soul. Speak to yourself as you would to a beloved friend. Acknowledge your fears, honor your journey, and affirm your strengths. Begin with, "Hey [Your Name], here's what I admire about you..." Let your words flow, raw and sincere.

Closing today’s sharing circle, remember that the road to unshakeable confidence is both deeply personal and universal. We're in this together, every step of the way. Your stories, your struggles, your victories - they matter. They inspire. They resonate.

So, beautiful being, let's step boldly into this journey, hearts wide open, ready to embrace every twist and turn. Together, let's discover what lies beyond the horizon of unshakeable confidence.

Remember, small steps, big belief can lead to incredible things.✨

With all the love and encouragement in the world,


P.S.: Always here, cheering you on. Let’s make some magic! 🌈

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I'm Minh, your Career,
Money and Success Coach.

I help women break through their income plateau without burnout so they can live the life of their dream. 

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Have the first six months of the year not gone as planned? Are you feeling like you're behind on your career goals and not sure how to catch up? Do you want to take control of your career and achieve success on your own terms?

If you answered yes to any of those questions, you're not alone. We totally get it – balancing a busy life with ambitious career goals can be tough. But we're here to help you break through those barriers and achieve success with our Crushing Your Career Goals Challenge!

Introducing our Crushing Your Career Goals Challenge for Ambitious and High-Achieving Women! This 30-day program is designed specifically for women like you who want to take their careers to the next level, get back on track, and achieve success on their own terms.

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Career, Money and Success Coaching for Women who Refuse to Settle in Life. 

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© Minh pham-costello 2023  |  Photos by social squares & Unsplash




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