
The Confidence Spectrum Self-Evaluation

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I am on a mission to help women master their money mindset, discover their unique strengths to make a lot of money while creating a live that they are excited to wake up to. 


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Level 0: The Absence of Confidence

At Level 0, individuals find themselves in a confidence vacuum, almost as if they’re struggling to breathe the air of self-belief. Here, deep-seated doubts sow seeds of uncertainty about one’s own abilities, value, and self-worth. It’s more than just a bad day; it’s a profound feeling. Imagine carrying a backpack filled with stones marked 'not good enough,' 'fear of failure,' and 'inadequacy.’ That heavy load is what constantly pulls you back at Level 0. You might decline challenges, pass up opportunities, and hold back your opinions, all because that voice inside whispers a relentless 'you can't.’

This absence of confidence isn’t just about missed chances; it can pervade every aspect of life. Without belief in oneself, growth is but a concept, happiness an illusion, and fulfillment a mirage in the desert of self-doubt.

Yet, even in this void, hope flickers. Think of Level 0 not as a life sentence, but as the starting line. Recognizing where we are is the first step to moving forward.

Welcome back to day two of our Unshakeable Challenge! Confidence is not just a state of mind, it is the power that propels us through life’s challenges and victories. It's the force that can either fuel our journey or stall us before we’ve even started the engine. Today, we're delving into the different levels of confidence.
Level 1: "Fake It Till You Make It" Confidence

Enter Level 1, the stage of 'acting as if.' This is where the mantra "fake it till you make it" takes center stage. You might not feel the power of confidence just yet, but you start to emulate it. This is the chameleon phase – the art of blending in with the confident crowd until the paint of pretense sticks for real.
Let's say you're stepping into an interview. Your palms are sweaty; doubts are stirring. But then, you square your shoulders, lift your head, and wear your brightest smile. You’re playing the part, hitting all the cues, and lo and behold, the transition begins. By outwitting our inner critic with an outer veneer of confidence, we start a ripple effect. Our minds catch on that maybe, just maybe, we can.

Level 1 is powerful in emergencies – quick boosts when time is of the essence. It harnesses the power of body language and self-representation to create a positive change in our emotions and the perceptions others have of us. It is the dress rehearsal for the grand performance of self-assurance. However, my dear, authenticity is the name of the game - this “fake it till you make it” approach is not sustainable.
The beauty of Level 2 is in its clarity. What's the worst that can happen? Will you, in the grand scheme of life, face annihilation because a speech went awry, or a pitch didn’t land? Hardly. With each fear faced head-on, your experiential confidence escalates, transforming the impossible into I-possibly-can.

Direct experiences, the triumphs and the not-so-glorious moments, guide us here. Experiential confidence is achievement-focused and thrives on continuous learning and practice.

Level 2: Experiential Confidence

As we stride into Level 2, we start leaning on something more tangible – knowledge and experience. With each act, each step taken despite our fears, experiential confidence blooms. Remember the adrenaline-pumping thrill of riding a bike for the first time? Or the nerve-wracking moment you first spoke in public? These experiences, exhilarating and terrifying in equal measure, are the building blocks of confidence.

Experiential confidence is like muscle memory. Once you learn, your body and mind don't forget. It’s the pat on the back that says, 'Hey, you survived that; you can take on this too!’ It sprouts from our actions, our risks, and yes, even our failures. Each fall is a lesson, each stand a reinforcement of belief in our capabilities.

Level 3: Authentic Self-Confidence

At the peak of our confidence climb sits Level 3: Authentic Self-Confidence. It's the innermost layer of our confidence core, an unyielding trust in our abilities, qualities, and judgments. This isn’t situational; it’s as vast as the confidence universe itself, encompassing all aspects of our lives.

Unlike the external facade of "fake it till you make it" confidence or the task-specific experiential assurance, self-confidence is the profound understanding that you are enough, exactly as you are. This is the promised land, where shaking the foundation becomes an arduous task for any external force.

Self-confidence is misunderstood often. It isn't about brute strength or outward bravado - remember, even the muscular, the valorous war veterans, and heroes among us may falter at the gates of confidence. Because true confidence stems from identity – unbroken, unyielding, and self-made.

This ultimate level of confidence isn't about defying societal rejection or avoiding embarrassment; it’s about an identity woven from your values and standards. When you're anchored in self-confidence, you become impervious to flimsy opinions and ephemeral judgments.

The Confidence Self-Assessment: Identifying Your Stage

In order to identify where you might currently be on the confidence spectrum, let’s embark on a self-assessment exercise. This assessment comprises a series of statements that you will rate on a scale from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree). The aim is to honestly reflect on your feelings and behaviors in various situations.


For each statement, assign a score between 1 and 5 that best reflects your level of agreement. Be truthful to yourself for the most accurate assessment.

  • I often hesitate to share my thoughts for fear of being judged or rejected.
  • I find it challenging to initiate conversations with strangers.
  • I tend to dwell on my failures more than my successes.
  • I feel uncomfortable showcasing my abilities.
  • I regularly seek approval from others to feel validated.
  • Stepping outside of my comfort zone is particularly stressful for me.
  • I struggle to stand firm in my decisions when others disagree.
  • Accepting compliments gracefully is difficult for me; I often deflect or downplay them.
  • Facing new challenges fills me with dread.
  • I perceive rejection as a reflection of my worth.

  • 10-25: Level 0 - The Absence of Confidence
  • 26-40: Level 1 - "Fake It Till You Make It" Confidence
  • 41-55: Level 2 - Experimental Confidence
  • 56-70: Level 3: Authentic Self-Confidence

Embracing Your Position on the Confidence Continuum

Having identified your current stage of confidence, it's crucial to embrace this understanding with kindness and a willingness to grow. Each stage, with its challenges and opportunities, is a step in the journey towards authentic confidence.

For Those at the Initial Stages:

Recognize the courage it takes to confront areas of self-doubt and to begin this journey. Small, intentional actions aimed at challenging your comfort zones can ignite the transition towards higher stages of confidence. Celebrate each victory, no matter how small, as a testament to your growing resilience.

For Those Advancing Towards Authentic Confidence:

Your journey embodies the essence of growth and self-belief. Continue to nurture your self-esteem by aligning your actions with your inner values and by cultivating a supportive environment that encourages your authentic expression.

The Path Forward

Understanding where you stand on the confidence continuum is a vital stride toward cultivating an unshakable sense of self. As we proceed through this challenge, each day will unfold new insights and strategies to elevate your confidence to its most authentic expression.

Embrace the journey with patience and persistence, and let the insights from today's exploration light your path towards embracing your fullest potential. Join us as we continue this transformative voyage, ensuring each step is taken with intention, understanding, and an undying commitment to self-growth.

Here’s to forging ahead with clarity, courage, and an ever-deepening sense of self-esteem. Onwards to Day 3, where we delve deeper into the strategies and practices that facilitate the growth of authentic confidence. Stay engaged, stay inspired, and most importantly, stay confident in the incredible journey that lies ahead.

With all the love and encouragement in the world,


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I'm Minh, your Career,
Money and Success Coach.

I help women break through their income plateau without burnout so they can live the life of their dream. 

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