
Embracing Courageous and Aligned Actions

march 16, 2024

Top 5 Misconceptions about Money for Working Moms: Let's Rewrite the Story

Top 5 Misconceptions about Pursuing a Dream Career for Working Moms
The Top 5 Mistakes Working Moms Make When Pursuing their Dream Careers

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I'm minh!


I am on a mission to help women master their money mindset, discover their unique strengths to make a lot of money while creating a live that they are excited to wake up to. 


Ready to Make Your Dreams Happen?

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You bring the dream and we will bring the strategies, systems and support.

Confidence, Meet Action

Think of confidence as a muscle. How do muscles grow? They need to be exercised, challenged, pushed a bit more every time. Now picture action as the gym for your confidence. You can't build it by sitting still. You can't become physically fit by reading about exercise, right? Similarly, we won't cultivate confidence by understanding it intellectually. Confidence blossoms in motion—it grows when we move, do, act.

Actions Aligned with Your True Self

Now comes the question: What are the actions you should be taking? The key lies in alignment, finding those actions that resonate with your truest self. This is about identifying those small—and huge—steps that propel you towards your dreams, towards the person you want to become.

Let's get started right away, for there's no better time to step into our power than NOW. No action is too small if it inches us closer to our dreams. Remember, the grandest vista unfolds gradually through a series of small steps.

Hey, lovely friends! 🌟 Can you believe we're already on Day 5 of the Unbreakable Confidence Challenge? You're all doing amazing, and I can't put into words just how proud I am of each of you. Yesterday, we dipped our toes in the waters of self-belief, and boy, it was transformative! Now, it’s time to parlay that newfound self-confidence into bold, consistent action. Buckle up, beautiful beings—it's time to get moving!
Perhaps for you, this action might be starting a blog you've been dreaming about. Or maybe it's applying for that dream job, despite the flicker of doubt. Could it be asking someone out on a date, despite the fear of rejection? The actions will look different for each one of us, but the common thread is this—it’s about listening to the rhythm of your heart and letting it guide your dance with life.
The True Essence of Courage
It's time we redefine our understanding of courage. We've all had that idea of courage as this superhero-like, chest-puffed, fearless force. But let's chat about what courage truly feels like, because it's time we get real about it.

Courage? It's not about never feeling a single shiver of fear. No way. It's about seeing that fear, maybe even feeling it chill you to the bone, and then deciding you're going to step forward anyway. It's whispering to yourself, in the quiet before the leap, "Hey, fear, I see you, but I've got dreams to chase, and they are loud and powerful."

My Run-in with Courage

Sometimes in life, the most meaningful adventures start with a pounding heart, sweaty palms, and just enough crazy bravado to say, "You know what? Let's do this." That's where I found myself in 2013, staring into the world of real estate with more dreams than dollars and a pocketful of hope.

I didn't jump in blindly.I had this insatiable hunger to learn everything I could to equip myself for the journey. I devoured every real estate book I could get my hands on, attended seminars, took online classes, and even earned my real estate license. Still, with every page turned, every real estate term memorized, the reality loomed; I was about to dive headfirst into something with high stakes and minimal financial backing. But to this day, that was the best decision I had made for my finances.

It's like this – courage is the secret sauce that adds the zing to life. You don't have to be fearless. Well, who truly is? Being courageous means telling those nagging doubts, "Sit down, I've got work to do." Because, my friend, within you lives a spirit so vast, so profound, it can hold incredible multitudes of hopes and ideas and drive.

I'm here to tell you that those dreams you're holding onto? They're colossal. They're precious. They’re the treasures of your life. And no shadow of fear has the right to loom larger than the aspirations that stir your soul.

Here’s what I'd like you to take away from my story: Dream big, gather knowledge, gain confidence but most importantly, leap! It’s okay to fumble and learn as you go. Take tiny steps, ride that learning curve, and remember—you're more capable than you know. And believe me, buying your first property or trying something new might make your knees knock, but once you did it, you’ll look back and think, "What was I so afraid of?" So, take your fear, your doubts, starve them of attention and feed your confidence.
Small Actions, Massive Transformations

Each action, big or small, brings us closer to a version of ourselves that radiates confidence. It’s like laying bricks to build the castle of our dreams. You might not notice the castle taking shape with the first few bricks, but with persistence and consistency, we'll soon be standing in front of a majestic structure that stands testament to our courage and confidence.

Friends, let you in on a little secret - action cultivates momentum. With every step we take, we gain momentum to take the next step, and the next, propelling us towards our goals with an accelerating pace.

Your Call to Action

Today, I invite you to take a plunge into the ocean of action. Do one thing that takes you closer to your dreams. It might be something you've been postponing due to doubt or fear. Remember to listen to your inner voice, align your actions with your true self, and courageously move forward—to embrace the beauty of your potential, one step at a time.

As we wrap up for today, let's remind ourselves of the unshakeable truth: Action is crucial in our journey towards confidence. Every moment offers us an opportunity to act, to step into our power, to move one step closer to the person we dream of becoming. I'm sending you a virtual high-five for all the courageous actions you're about to take. May we all find the strength to ignore the naysayers, silence the doubts, and take daily, determined steps towards our dreams.

With so much love,

Minh Pham-Costello

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I'm Minh, your Career,
Money and Success Coach.

I help women break through their income plateau without burnout so they can live the life of their dream. 

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Have the first six months of the year not gone as planned? Are you feeling like you're behind on your career goals and not sure how to catch up? Do you want to take control of your career and achieve success on your own terms?

If you answered yes to any of those questions, you're not alone. We totally get it – balancing a busy life with ambitious career goals can be tough. But we're here to help you break through those barriers and achieve success with our Crushing Your Career Goals Challenge!

Introducing our Crushing Your Career Goals Challenge for Ambitious and High-Achieving Women! This 30-day program is designed specifically for women like you who want to take their careers to the next level, get back on track, and achieve success on their own terms.

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Career, Money and Success Coaching for Women who Refuse to Settle in Life. 

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© Minh pham-costello 2023  |  Photos by social squares & Unsplash





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