
Forging a Resilient Shield Against External Doubt

march 16, 2024

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I'm minh!


I am on a mission to help women master their money mindset, discover their unique strengths to make a lot of money while creating a live that they are excited to wake up to. 


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You bring the dream and we will bring the strategies, systems and support.

We started this challenge with a purpose — to build unshakable confidence that not only stands firm in the face of our inner critic but also shields us against the doubts and skepticism from the world around us. From building self-belief on Day 4 to embracing our capacity to act bravely on Day 5, each step has been laying down the bricks on our path. Now, it's time to fortify our journey with Day 6's mission: creating a resilient barrier against external doubt and criticism.

Let's face it, my friends; the journey we're on is not all sunshine and rainbows. People—out of concern, envy, or their own limitations—will doubt us, criticize us, and sometimes, outright dismiss our dreams. And yeah, that can sting, but here's the empowering twist: Their doubts are mere shadows of their own limitations, not a reflection of our potential.

Hey there, beautiful souls! Welcome back to your journey through the Unbreakable Confidence Challenge. 🌟 It's been an incredible ride so far, hasn't it? You've been diving deep, pushing boundaries, and uncovering strengths you didn't even know you had. Today, we're going to take another bold step forward. But first, let's do a quick recap and set the stage for the amazing work we're about to embark on together.

Building Resilient Muscles

Think of resilience as a muscle—the more we exercise it, the stronger it gets. And just like our journey to physical fitness, building this resilience muscle involves a mix of nutrition (feeding our minds with positive affirmations), exercise (stepping out of our comfort zones), and recovery (knowing when to distance ourselves from negativity).

Setting Boundaries: The Foundation of Resilience

Remember how we set boundaries in our day-to-day lives, like personal space or time management? Similar principles apply here. It's about setting boundaries around our minds and hearts, deciding which opinions enter our sanctuary and which ones get left at the door.

Set boundaries by:

  • Acknowledging your worth: Remind yourself daily of your worth and your journey's authenticity. Write it down, say it out loud, wear it on a t-shirt if you have to, but let it be known—first to yourself, then to the world—that your path is valid.
  • Knowing when to say no: Not every criticism deserves your attention. Learn to distinguish between what's constructive and what's destructive, and don't hesitate to say "no" to the latter.
Trusting Your Path: The Inner Compass

In every heart lies an inner compass, guiding us through life's tumultuous seas. Trust this compass. Have faith that your path, with its unique twists, turns, and hurdles, is sacred. Every step you take, every choice you make, is part of a grand adventure.

And remember, the validity of your journey isn't determined by the loudness of the crowd—it's felt in the depth of your conviction.

Finding Your Tribe: The Supportive Community

In this journey, our tribe—our community—plays a crucial role. Surround yourself with people who not only understand your dreams but also cheer for your wins and offer a shoulder during losses. This supportive environment acts as a buffer against the harshness of external doubts.

Cherish these connections; they are your sanctuary in times of storm.

Transforming Criticism into Constructive Growth

Now, let's get this straight—criticism isn't the enemy. In fact, constructive criticism is a valuable tool for growth. It's the uninvited, destructive kind that we're learning to manage.

Keeping a Diary: Documenting Your Journey

Here’s a powerful tool: Keep a diary. Not just any diary, but a specific one where you jot down instances when external voices have tried to dim your shine. Write down how it made you feel, how it affected your confidence, and then, here comes the magic part—rewrite the narrative.

Transform “They said I can’t” to “I will show them I can.” Turn “They laughed at my dreams” into “My dreams are worth the pursuit.” This exercise doesn't just neutralize negativity; it turns it into fuel for your journey.

The Power of Rewriting the Narrative

By rewriting the narrative, we’re not dismissing the criticism—we’re reclaiming our power over it. We’re choosing which words shape our reality and selecting the bricks with which we'll build our dreams.

My Personal Battle with External Doubt and Criticism

In the beginning of my leadership journey, the reflection in the mirror was anything but a leader – it was a swirl of doubts and fears, dressed in the guise of someone constantly critiqued for being too kind and battling the barrier of language. The path was riddled with rejections and disappointments that initially made me question my worth and ability. But here's the kicker – those setbacks? They were actually setups for monumental growth.

I decided not to let those "no’s" keep me down. Instead, I sought out feedback like a treasure hunter seeks gold. This feedback, both the tough pills and the encouragement, fueled my journey forward. More so, I found mentors who saw my potential and helped polish the rough diamonds of my capabilities.

The real magic happened when I realized that I didn’t need to morph into someone else to be a leader. I embraced my innate kindness, empathy, and even my stumbles in language as strengths, not weaknesses. This authenticity became the cornerstone of my leadership style.

So, if you take anything from my story, let it be this: Being true to yourself is not just okay; it’s your superpower in leadership. The world doesn't need more cookie-cutter leaders; it craves the refreshing authenticity you bring to the table. Your unique qualities are what will make you stand out and lead in ways only you can. Dream big, embrace your journey with all its ups and downs, and remember, even the smallest step taken in belief can lead to incredible things. You, my dear friend, have everything it takes to paint the world in your colors. Let’s make it a masterpiece. 🌟

Embracing the Journey

Building a resilience shield against external doubt is a journey, not a one-time deal. It’s an ongoing process of setting boundaries, cherishing your supportive community, trusting your path, and transforming criticism into stepping stones.

And on this journey, remember, every time you choose resilience over submission, a layer gets added to your shield. A layer strong enough to reflect back the doubt, leaving you standing tall, unshaken, and unapologetically radiant.

So, as you move forward, know this: You're capable of weathering storms. Your dreams are valid, your journey is sacred, and within you lies the power to transform doubt into the most beautiful resilience.
Stay strong, dreamers. Keep trusting, keep growing, and keep moving forward. The world needs your light, your resilience, and your dreams more than ever.

Forge ahead with courage and resilience, 🛡️

Minh Pham-Costello

And remember, every step taken in resilience today paves the road for a brighter, more unshakeable tomorrow. Together, let's transform doubt into our greatest ally, and let our journey be a testament to the enduring power of belief and resilience.

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I'm Minh, your Career,
Money and Success Coach.

I help women break through their income plateau without burnout so they can live the life of their dream. 

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Have the first six months of the year not gone as planned? Are you feeling like you're behind on your career goals and not sure how to catch up? Do you want to take control of your career and achieve success on your own terms?

If you answered yes to any of those questions, you're not alone. We totally get it – balancing a busy life with ambitious career goals can be tough. But we're here to help you break through those barriers and achieve success with our Crushing Your Career Goals Challenge!

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© Minh pham-costello 2023  |  Photos by social squares & Unsplash





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